Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Forgiveness - Resentment

  There are many avenues of discussion I could go down when discussing forgiveness. The one I am choosing to go down today is specific to the area of my forgiving or being resentful to others.

  This area of my life has been lacking for most of my life. I tend to choose resentments much easier than forgiveness. It is much more my nature to harbor resentments.

  Actually I treat the resentment as a little pet. In fact with a little care and support these resentments grow into fine specimens, offering years of great pet love and loyalty.

  My mom tells me that hers grow and multiply like the Tribbles (I have no idea how to spell them) on Star Trek. Those little fellas were so cute, just like my resentments are when they start. Then they multiply. Or perhaps they grow freaky like Gremlins when you feed them after midnight.

  Gremlins never had a watch so I dunno how they knew when to flip out.

  Anyways, I know how to nurture and care for my resentments very well. Not too much coldness here, a little more gossip there, oops almost forgot to add a bit of judgement, and viola a fully mature resentment. Just look at how tasty the fruit is! Oh sure its not organic but have you ever laid eyes on such gorgeous produce.

  Let's have a taste shall we? Mmm tasty. Hey what are you doing feasting on my resentments! Get your own!

  So if God wants me to lay the axe of forgiveness to this horrible resentment tree, why is it so rough to do?

  I know the fruits of the Spirit. They are so wonderful. I didn't expect them to be so great.  I am set so free when I give someone the gift of forgiveness. It is really a blessing. Life is great and full when I yield to His will.

  He also says to forgive others as I have been forgiven. This isn't an easy thing to do. I say things like, "How can I forgive them when they might hurt me again?" Or, "They don't deserve forgiveness, the pain they caused doesn't warrant it."

  I am sure by now you have lots of ideas flashing thru your mind about how this forgiveness thing should work. There are many scriptures you could be thinking of. Perhaps you have some good story from your life about when those same scriptures brought you great joy and peace. I have similar experiences and I can remember those same verses.

  The point I want to drive home is that this is a real battle for me. People suck. I don't like them all the time. They hurt me sometimes. They say and do things that have the intention of causing me pain. Even when their motives are pure I can't guarantee I won't get bent out of shape over it.

  So I rage on. Yep. I don't want to. I just do. I would love to end this blog with some sort of creative phrase or thought that would make you think, "Well that's good, it will be alright then". It will be. God is helping.

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