Monday, May 16, 2011


  Wow, traffic is a battle for most drivers. Being terminaly unique, I suppose that traffic has to be worse for me. In some ways this is true but only because I drive a tractor trailer. Hurtling 80000 lbs thru swarming 4000 lb cars is exciting at times.

  It is a bit like watching water in a bath tub when you scoop a bucket of water out. There isn't a hole left behind. It fills in almost instantly. So, in traffic, my huge truck has more difficulty gaining speed. I leave a gap in front of the truck because of this lag time and also just for safety (you know the guys and gals who don't realize what my truck will do to them if I can't stop in time).

  However the gap is created it inevitably gets filled. So I back off more to create another safety barrier. The people behind me get upset that I am going slower and they jump around me, get in front, and start the process all over again. Hundreds of times a day.

  So what to do. I can try bumper enemas with these unsafe people. But if I have an accident the question asked will be if I left a safety gap.
  I could honk, curse and wave the one finger salute at the discourteous drivers. This, however, gets even more of them upset. And then they aren't driving unsafe because they are unaware. They are then driving unsafe because they actually want to be dangerous.

  Perhaps my best choice is to practice patience. I leave with plenty of time to get to where I am going. (Why should others change their behavior because I am lazy and won't leave early).

  Also my truck is a Peterbilt with lots of chrome. It looks cool. So if I slow my roll, keep my cool, and wear some shades, more people get the chance to marvel at how totally awesome my ride is.

  Ok that last bit was for thee sake o humour.

  But seriously, I don't want to be the guy driving all freaked out. I want to serve my God and be an example of that while I am driving. No, I don't expect these people to say, "wow, here is a courteous driver, I wonder what the gospel is all about". Get real right?

  But God observes the heart. My heart can get real dark real quik in the traffic.

  I am out here fighting this battle almost daily as I deliver my loads for the same people who cause me such grief.

  I guess it could be a metaphor for Gods love for us. He sacrificed himself for us. He does the job. And we cut Him off, flip Him off, and expect Him to just roll on.

  Maybe I will never be done inventing great ideas in my head for paying back these wayward drivers.

  Its a battle. I am certainly not always victorious.  

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