Sunday, May 15, 2011


  I know the title "Worship" seems a little odd. I mean how can there be a battle over worshiping God when He has done so very much for me? Well, its like this:

  For years upon years I showed up to church and the worship leaders led worship. The situation for me was that I was there in body but not in heart. Now don't get me wrong, there were times when I could worship (and did), but there were also plenty of times when I could
and didn't.

  Freedom to worship is what I have heard it called. The concept carries with it the idea that I would not be able to enter into the worship properly if I have some latent sin present in my life.

  So what would happen is that I would begin to sing then my mind would rush over to this sin that I had not dealt with. Or, worse yet, I would be active in my sin the very same moment I was trying to sing! Boy did that stink big time. Oh sure I would continue singing. Perhaps I would throw out an Amen or two in the attempt to make myself look good to my wife or others who were present.

  It wasn't that I didn't believe what I was singing. Nor was it that I felt like I was somehow not worthy of God's love. I simply had placed my affections and desires ahead of the affections and desires God wanted me to have.

  Well today this was not so. I entered into worship correctly. I placed everything in my life in front of God. I asked Him if there was anything that I needed to address. Of course there were some. I didn't shy away. I took the correction.

  Then I sang to Him. In the midst of many tears I sang to my creator. He tells me in His word that He likes my singing. Today God liked my singing!  I want to scream that from the moutain tops! GOD LOVED TO HEAR ME SING TODAY! 

  The battle over worship was won today. Thank you Lord. 

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