Monday, August 22, 2011


  I have been thinking about my weight lately. More to the point I am thinking about what I eat. I am doing to try and buy some healthy stuff when I get groceries next time I shop. Mini-chocolate donuts are my kryptonite.

  A few years ago my church had a weigh-off for fathers day. They marched the dads up and weighed them. The heaviest father won an award. For what? Who knows! Another fellow thought for sure he would outweigh me. No way! I had him by a few pounds. Embarassing? Should have been, but I won a prize!

  I am above average in height. And I carry my weight somewhat well. So, generally, I come across as heavy but not overweight. I even had someone lately tell me I was slightly overweight, not huge like I had said.

  When I was a wee lad, I saw a picture of my uncle. He was skinny in the picture. I only ever saw him overweight. One day, perhaps that day, I sat down on the toilet. My thighs smooshed out. I panicked! I went blubbering over to my mom, worried I would become fat like my uncle. She comforted me by telling me that my uncle had always been large. I told her about the photo. She laughed and told me that the picture was taken after he had been broke for a year and couldn't afford to eat. I was relieved. Well sort of! I was always a little leary of toilets after that!

  So here I am today. I carry my weight well and I don't look very fat. But I know the truth. It is time for me to stop being lazy and eat properly. Food has been a source of comfort for many moons. Will I succeed? I dunno. I want too. For today, I will eat well. Then try it again tomorrow. Hopefully the mini-chocolate donut brigade will leave me alone. Seems like every few days they gang up on me. Such subtle foe!

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