Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Gods will

  How can I know what the will of God is? Someone said, "Gods will can be found by always doing the next right thing". Sometimes this is a perplexing proposition.

  That being said, the quote actually works exceedingly well. The part that is missing is the part about the pain. It doesn't include my feelings. But feelings aren't the point, are they? Its faith. We walk by faith.

  You are likely wondering, "Why the cryptic language?"  I am in a changing situation right now. God, I believe, has led me towards a new job. I am going to be trucking around the Northwest now. I won't be driving into California anymore.

  So what?

  My Mom lives in California. I have developed a love for her that I had never known. This new job will eleminate the ability for me to drive by and see her. Pain ensues.

  So, is this Gods will? Should I take the new position in spite of the hurt I feel? Yes. I have been asking God to provide this new job. Many things I hope to achieve rely upon this new job. If its Gods will to happen this new job would be seen as the natural progression in my life.

  I prayed for it. I desired it. My dreams are tied up in it. Yet, when it happened I had regrets. Is this normal? How is it that I haven't perfected following God?

  So I battle on. I want to be found faithful. I must fight on.

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