Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Hazard Lights

  When approaching a road construction zone, where there is a flagger, I put on my hazard lights. This let's the people behind me know that I will be slowing or stopping. It also let's the people in front of me know that I am aware of what is happening.

  I have seen flaggers visually relax when they see my hazard lights come on. I am sure they get nervous when the cars are approaching. Do they see me? Are they slowing down? Will they stop? Those lights inform them that I see them and am ready to stop.

  Can this be true in our daily walk? When we see a difficult situation approaching, is there a way to signal that we are preparing for it? I think yes.

  I believe God is watching and listening to our prayers. In some ways prayer can be our signal to Him that we are aware of the hazard that is coming. Far too often I have waited until the situation becomes a panic stop, spiritually speaking.

  Letting God know that I am aware and concerned has taken on new meaning in my life. Those people holding the stop/slow sign have never pulled out another sign that says "speed up" or "go faster". I assume that God is the same way. When he places warning signs in my life it is imperative that I heed those warning. Prayer indicates that I am paying attention.

  When I see a problem in the future, prayer is a sure way of getting directions on how I should proceed.

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