Friday, August 26, 2011

The Seaplane

  In the summers of my youth we would visit family in Washington state. On one of these visits we took a plane ride around Seattle. It wasn't a plain ride.

  I think I remember it being a seaplane, I am fairly certain of this. Regardless, it was going to be exciting. The ride in a small plane, the beautiful views of the city, the thrill of conquest was in the air, and this little boy was ready.

  We filed into the small plane while the pilot finished performing his preflight. My mom was nervous and it showed.

  The pilot was an elderly man. Had to have been at least forty years old. Just kidding. He was a senior and perhaps looked a little frail. He had sat down and was struggling with his seat belt. I think he said something like, "I can never remember how this thing works!"

  My mom froze.

  How can this guy fly us around the city in this plane if he couldn't even fasten his seat belt? I, of course, thought nothing of the matter.

  We rocketed off into the sky and it was breathtaking. In fact, my mom couldn't breathe! We traced the city and enjoyed the views.  Once we landed her trauma was finally over.

  There is a lesson here for me. While I am panicking about the small details there might be others enjoying the view. I am sure the seatbelt thing was a ploy to help people relax. It sure worked for me!

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