Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Lady of My Dreams

  A couple of nights ago I was having an unusual dream. It involved my wife (that is not unusual) and a new car (that is).

  My wife comes to see me and she is driving a really cute new car. She has a beautiful summer dress on. She is really perky and wants to show me this new car.

  In my dream I am smart enough not to flip out. Actually she described how she got the car. She said, "I sold everything and got this new car!" She is so happy and proud. I am freaking out inside.

  She is learning to be a strong woman and I am so proud of her. This carried over into my dream. I never argued, I started liking the car and was trying to be happy for her. The dream ended with me working on my acceptance and repeating to myself, "She sold everything and bought this cute car". Did I mention she looked cute in the car? 

  So here is the punchline. Today I shared this dream with my wife. At the end she thought about the dream and asked, "If I sell everything and buy a new car, then I can be the woman of your dreams?" 

  Kaapow, zing, she got me!


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