Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Confessing faults

  The Bible has a real clear message on this topic. It says in James 5:16a, "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed". In newer translations "faults" is changed to "sins". The idea is similar. We are to share those things about ourselves that are problems.

  I am at that point in my life. I have taken inventory of my moral failings and am ready to share this with a brother. God promises healing when I do this.

  So why has it been so hard to want to share these things?

  In my own life I have been extremely critical of others. Perhaps I expect the same from them. Why should I expect them to be any different than I was?

  Maybe the items are too grotesque to want to share. Ok, "maybe" isn't the right word, I definitely don't want to share about those awful things.

  Can't I just admit these things to God and have that be enough? The Bible says No.

  In case you didn't understand what I just wrote, the Bible clearly teaches that I should share my faults with another. No sharing, no healing. Simple, huh?

  This goes against my very nature. I want to conceal and hide my faults. I want to simply grow away from them, not grow through them. I was raised to hide from what I have done. Its a unnatural desire to want to share. Right?

  I am seeking a new life. I want to emerge a free man. This "sharing" thing is just another tool. It can fix things that no other tool can fix. Don't use the wrong tool. 

  I have used many things as a hammer. Cresent wrenches, screwdrivers, and even rocks can all be used as hammers. But nothing works as good as a hammer in doing what a hammer can do.

  So into my life I must bring this new tool. It promises to break me and heal me. I don't like pain and I am sure there will be some. But I really want to be healed. 

  When I was growing up, there lived a racoon across the street. His name was Sammy. Sammy used to steal my dads hammer all the time. My dad would weave a rich tapestry of fine words whenever Sammy would do this. I, of course, would laugh. Not around my dad, he was mad enough already. 

  Someone (Satan) has stolen my hammer. God gave me the tool and I didn't take care of it. I robbed myself of the blessings of using the tool. Satan is laughing. 

  Enough of that! That ole serpent is a tricky one. I am tired of playing his games.

  I will swallow my pride. I will humble myself. I will beg God to forgive my past. And I will share it all with someone. Yep, that's what God wants. I am willing.

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