Tuesday, June 21, 2011

KJV only

  My heart breaks over the King James bible. For years I have believed it was the only true version of God's word. This caused me to dismiss the faith of others when they used a different version.

  Meanwhile, back at the lair, I was still holding onto grievous sins. I had the correct bible but did not have the correct life.

  One day God slapped me down from my perch and placed in me a desire to live faithfully. I scoured the landscape for guidance, support, and love. I found what I had desired. There are many christian men who had fallen into the same sins and discovered a way out.

  The problem was, they used different bibles. The curious thing is what God had told me. He said to me, "I have help for you, you must give up the King James fight".

  To a KJV only person, that last statement is heresy. But I had heard God tell me, very plainly, what I needed to do. So, what was I to do? Easy, I followed God.

  I discovered a vast wealth of knowledge and love I had previously been deprived of. I returned back to the faith of my youth. I stopped being childish and became childlike in my faith.

  When I was a child we had these bibles called "Good news for modern man". They were gold colored and had pictures of people on the front. I always remember looking at them and liking the people so much. I would sometimes open the book to read about the people, but the book did not have their stories. Or so I thought.

  I had no one to study it with. My parents were christians but were struggling in their own lives. I want to believe that they read it with me, but I can not remember.

  I have a cynical attitude about KJV only people now. I have acquired great amounts of love and growth, in myself, by seeking help from those who have no such issue.

  I made a valuable discovery. I think the KJV is the best. I think KJV only people are often the worst. I have observed that all recovery material, that can be found, is written using other versions. This disturbs me.

  What I have found is that KJV only people are very closed lipped about their own struggles. They lack the ability to share how they gained freedom. They would rather preach some verse than teach from their life. And if you disagree with them, they claim you are not as faithful to the book as they are.

  I do not like painting with such a broad brush. I am sure that there are KJV only dudes that are open with their lives. I have not found one. No not one. If you are reading this, it means you as well. Got it?

  Paul admitted to all the horrible stuff he did. Peter did not hide his abandonment of Jesus. James never hid his legalism. Yet, todays towering men of "the book" hide the past. Cowards.

  As you may have noticed, I have not attacked the KJV. I merely have found lots of strength from those who use other translations. I use the strength of those others to help me grow.

  I am ashamed at how I handled Gods word. I used it as a weapon against other believers. God expressly forbids attacking fellow believers. The devil has that job, he needs no help.

  If I was worried about the accuracy of what I am being taught, that would be one thing. I have not found anything worth my worry.

  Let me say something tough. Those who battle over a translation have become wimpering little babies to me. They bristle over the tiniest things. They swallow the camel of pride while straining at the gnat of versions.

  Don't mistake me please. I am hacked off at myself for all the crap I have done. I flew the KJV banner high while taking a dump on my life. I am no shining example. I readily will share my faults. One of them was thinking that people who use others translations are not serving God as good as they could.

  They were serving God a far sight better than I was!

  I was just thinking about the brazen serpent that Moses used. It was a miracle that the people were healed. The people then decided to worship the brazen serpent. Same is true for the bible. Have you been healed? If yes, are you worshipping the brazen serpent bible? If no, don't concern yourself with what bible to use, use one. God will bless you if you worship Him.

  Wow! Gotta end this blog. It is getting a little long. Perhaps someday I will write a part two. Hey, don't look so sad about it! Maybe I won't!

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