Saturday, June 18, 2011


  Fear is a huge obstacle for some. For me, fear is a gnawing hampster. I am not paralyzed by fear, but at times I feel great pain because of it. The hampster sure has sharp teeth!

  The Bible teaches that perfect love casts out fear. I am also aware that the Bible teaches we are to fear the Lord. How do these things work? Slowly I am gaining an understanding of love and fear.  

  A famous fear quote is, "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself". What moron thought that up. It doesn't make any sense. I have never been afraid of fear. Some cliches are meaningless and dumb. This is one for the record books.

  When I was in school I asked a teacher what that quote meant. After much obfuscation and declarification, I concluded that they really didn't know. They sure felt passionate about it. Remarkable.

  Surprise, I have fears about stuff other than fear! I don't know how not too. I don't like fear. I wish I didn't have any fears.

  The only thing I have to fear, is fearing things. Oh boy, this is fun! Who thinks this stuff up?

  What about you? Ever have fears? Have you shared those fears with anyone? Did that help? Did learning how to give and receive love quiet the fears? Ever feel like you didn't deserve to be loved?

  I think fear can be healthy when handled correctly. When I give those fears to God and share them with someone, I get to grow because of them. They share some love with me and that fear goes away.

  Fear has always been in my life. I never learned how to deal with it. Alcohol worked. It worked great! No fear, just sweet oblivion. Now that it failed me, I get to learn how to feel fear properly.

  I am so thankful for the many people God has put in my life. As they share about what they feared I get a picture of how God can help my fears. As I accept their love I am beginning to be set free. 
  Science may one day make a pill that takes away alcoholism and fear. I wonder what two pills would do? 

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