Thursday, June 30, 2011


  Here is a curious fact about me. I never knew my grandpas. If you were to place them in a line up and ask me to point them out, I couldn't do it.

  My grandpa on my dads side was quite a talker. I have a single memory of him, just one, and in it he talked a bunch. We were at my uncles house and grandpa started to talk. I went out to the garage for a while to pretend to ride the motorcycles. After an hour or so I went back inside and he was still blathering. As far as I can tell his favorite hobby was to blather. This is a man who talked a lot about nothing important and was enthusiastic to share it with all. The sad thing was that he actually did have an interesting life, he was just to disfunctional to know how to share it. 

  My other grandpa was a complete unknown to me. He was an abusive parent and never repented. Shameful. Another selfish person who missed Gods will. He won't be remembered by me. 

  I wish I had a normal grandpa. One that took me fishing, working on cars, painting, kite flying, walking, shopping, hunting, etc... I wish we could have sat down on the porch, talked and enjoyed some iced tea.

  I hear about peoples relationships with their grandpas and I get sad. My heart breaks for the way mine screwed up. It should have been different. They could have tried to be better. They chose not caring. They were blind to greater things. 

  Here are some things that a grandpa should know. Perhaps a couple of questions just to get the point across. Think of anybody who you should be close with. Warning, these questions have a bite. You should be able to answer these easily about those you love. 

What is my middle name?
When is my birthday?
What is my favorite color?
Have you been shopping and saw something you knew I would love?
Did you buy it?
Do you know my favorite hobby?
What is my favorite flavor of ice cream?
What is my favorite sport?
Have I ever been to see my favorite sport?
With you?
What is my favorite restaurant?
How much candy can I eat without getting sick?
What is my favorite movie?
Can you imitate funny scenes from those movies?
What is my pets name?
Do I like to play catch?
Do we have porch time?

  Those questions could go on forever. I am sure you can think of many more personal things that can be asked.

  How did you do grandpa?  Mine failed every question. Every stinking one. They simply never knew me. I would be shocked if they even knew the most simple things about me, like my middle name. Disgusting. Go ahead grandpa, name all your grandkids middle names.

  How about you dear friend? You got some people you should be close with? Grandkids, sons, daughters? How do you think these relationship can grow if you don't know these simple things?

  This line of thinking is plain hard. I want to give the one finger salute to my grandpas for the job they did. If they had anything important to pass on, it never happened.

  All the years of wisdom my dads dad had acquired meant nothing to me. The last time I saw him, he was in a cardboard box on my dads dresser waiting to be scattered somewhere. I don't know where he would have wanted to be scattered. I don't even know how old he was or how he died. As far as I know, he is still in that box. Did I mention that I didn't know him?

  My moms dad is alive somewhere. I don't even know the state. He may have remorse about somethings in his past. If he does it sure doesn't show. He will likely pass on someday and I might not even find out. What's really pathetic is that I don't even know his first name.

  So listen real close my friend, you should know everything there is to know about your family. No exceptions. You weren't put in their lives to be selfish. No matter who they are or what they do, they need someone to care. That someone is you. 

  What about God? How does he fit in? Well, if you expect them to listen to you talk about how much God loves them, you had better be demonstrating that same love. God loved you while you were His enemy. Yet you have a difficult time loving those who are your family.

  I stand convicted in my own life. I may never fix all my mess. I have a great desire to know those I love. I don't want to have someone write something like this about me. Oh please don't let me continue this legacy of garbage. It is way too important.  

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