Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A wind of change

  Today while driving I encountered huge swings in the weather. It started out mild and 63. I cruised into San Diego at it had rose to 67. I got my load and headed north on I-5. After passing through LA and up over the grapevine, the temp shot up to the low 90s. It hovered in the 90s eventually hitting 97.

  As I was driving I noticed some clouds up ahead. They were those high up clouds, just dense enough to give shade. When I got to the clouds, my left arm was so grateful for the shade (it spends a lot of time tanning).

  I was busy enjoying the clouds and wondering if I had somehow caught a break from the hot evening I was expecting. Some clouds were turning into thunderstormy type clouds. The temp was in the high 80s. Oh boy! Maybe I am driving into a weather front and cooler air is just ahead.

  A blast of wind almost blew a uhaul into my lane. It wasn't a terrific wind, he just wasn't prepared. This wind was a sign that I was going to be right about cooler weather. The temp had plunged into the low 70s.

  Then the rain came. It came in lacking ambition but quickly matured into a nice blatter. Temp? 63. Woohoo!

  I continued driving in the wind and rain. I had hopes of making it to the "dog food" drop yard. I made it.

  So here I am. The rain is pleasant. The wind has calmed. The dog food plant doesn't even have any aroma! The temp is still in the low 60s. Truly a nice evening for a trucker.

  Spiritual note:
  I wish I was comforted when I see a spiritual storm coming. I was comforted today because I knew the outcome. I had hope that the change would be good.
  In my walk with Jesus today, I am in a storm. Rain, wind, and unprepared people surround me. The Holy Spirit encourages me to press on. My friends help me to stay the course. 

  I am heartbroken when I see others hit a storm. I wonder if they are crying out to God as I have. Are they frightened? Do they have hope? Are the prepared for those side winds?

  Todays weather caused hope for me. Do I have enough faith in God to have the same hope in spiritual storms? Has His love for me taken root enough in my heart so that no storm will frighten me.

God made rainbows so men wouldn't get freaked out when another storm came. I love rainbows. I have never once thought God was destroying the earth by flood again. God doesn't want to destroy me in my spiritual storm. His word and His people have become my spiritual rainbow.     

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