Saturday, June 11, 2011

Dog food

  Dog food can make for funny ads. But no matter what, canned dog food stinks. It is foul smelling stuff. El stinko de pukeo. (A little spanish lingo for those who se habla)

  Sometimes, I stop off in my companies drop yard in French Camp California. The yard has a very unpleasant aroma. It is located just down the street from a canned dogfood plant.

  That aroma that waffes up from that freshly opened can of doggie vittles is so special, not entirely unlike the aroma of where the drop yard is.

  If the temperature is cool, like now, I like to roll the windows down in the truck. The pleasantness ensues.

   I almost wish it were hot, so I could close the truck up and run the ac. When it is hot, the aroma has that fine aged smell. May wii (french and nintendo lingo). 

Eating dinner was never like this before! The ambiance is unlike any other. Ah, the candles, music, snobby waiters, and chit chat, really fail to do the aroma justice. 
  Smaller portions are really the order of the day. The nasal assault on the senses make the dinner oh so special. Seconds? No thanks. I really have had enough. Dessert? Does chunky monkey go with dog food? Sounds like it should! I will pass.

  Thankfully I only park here briefly tonight. I have been stuck for a day here before. Gained a lot of weight that day! Lemme tell you.

  You can recreate this dining experience on your own. A sympathy meal. Wow, that would be awesome. Disgusting but awesome! Open up some dog food and eat a store bought pot pie. Yummo! Don't forget to toss the cookies! Oops, I meant a tossed salad!

  This area should set up a weight loss clinic. All you can eat, no problem.

  How do dogs eat that stuff? They have better smellers than we do and yet they still dive in. I bet they would love it here. Drooling all over. Gross.

  Ah well, I never thought truck driving would be like this! I missed that recruiting video. Must have been getting a bite to eat when they showed that one.

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