Sunday, June 12, 2011

Turning water into wine

  On July 5th of 2010 I started a journey I hope will never end. It was on that day I drank, what I hope will be, my last drink.
  Here is a song that tells part of what I was going thru that day.
  God reached down and helped me. He can do the same for anyone. You are wounded, Stop fighting. He has placed triage units around to stop the bleeding. Then the Great Physician steps in and works on the healing. 
  Go to it. It only seems impossible to live without alcohol. For me, alcohol seemed like a miracle in a bottle. It was a cure all. The magic elixir. If it hadn't stopped working, I would still be drinking. If I was a normal drinker, I would drink every day!
  I know that people who haven't struggled with alcohol don't know much about it. But trust me, there are people who have a problem with alcohol who have stopped and enjoy life without it! I am one among many.
  What about this God stuff? Do you have Deophobia? God phobia? That's OK. Don't worry about it. Just cry out to God (as you understand Him). He says if you will seek Him, He will reveal himself to you. He did for me. 
  I am approaching a year of sobriety. Impossible!

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