Sunday, June 26, 2011


  I have always had an iron stomach (the inside). I can just about eat anything and not have an upset tummy. Today, however, was a day that was different.

  It started last night. I ate a tv dinner (lasagne) and had a bowl of Cap'n crunch for dessert. Somewhere in the night I got that sour feeling.

  This morning I made a couple of bean and cheese burritos. Jalapeno beans and Tapatio hot sauce! Somehow my sore tummy continued. I even drank day old coffee and it didn't help!

  I thought about getting a biscuit for lunch. When I stopped for fuel I went in to use the facilities. I forgot about the biscuit I was going to buy. I left with an extra long, jamacian jerk flavored, slim jim. Aww yeahhh!

  My sore tummy was in heaven! No really, I was worried the slim jim was gonna hurt but it didn't!

  We will see about dinner. They have two huge sliced of extra greasy pizza for 5 bucks at the truck stop I am at. Oh, I hope I survive!

  I tend to swim against the current. When most people seek tums and peaceful food, I go the opposite way. It has worked so far. Perhaps someday I will regret this choice. Not today! Woohoo!

Update (3 hours later):
  I seem to have survived. My stomach is busy exercising its pressure relief mechanism. And my olfactory organ seems to be struggling. All in all, very good pizza!

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